Approved by
Government of Odisha, Health & Family Welfare Department
Vide No. HFW-MEII-MISC-0123-2018-20469/H&F.W. Dt. 09.09.2020
Directorate of Medical Education And Training, Odisha
The prospectus is valid from 2020-2021 onwards. Any changes required for the counseling and admission process shall be done by the Chairman of Selection Committee with intimation to Government.
1. Application form & Prospectus for admission into different nursing courses for the academic session 2020-21 onwards are available in the official website of Directorate of Medical Education and Training, Odisha in Nursing Admissions section.
2. Applications are invited for admission in different nursing courses in all ONMRC recognized Government & Private institutions in the State of Odisha.
3. Eligible candidates can apply online by depositing prescribed Application fees amounting (details in Annexure-VII) through SBI Collect. The facility for submission of On-line application is also available at the nearest centres i.e. CSC (Common Service Centre) at Gram Panchayat level/ Community Health Centre (CHC) at Block level/CDM& PHO office at District level.
4. For any query contact Mobile No. – 8991769788 on working days during official hours (10 AM to
05.30 PM) .
5. The counseling and admission shall be done centrally by the Selection Committee for all the seats of Government institutions, 85% of the seats of Govt recognized private institutions. Any seat from 85% seats remaining unfilled during the central counseling shall be deemed to be surrendered to the respective private institutions. The private institutions shall fill up the 15% seats of the management seats and any of the balance seats deemed to be surrendered to them by the cutoff date for such admission.
6. The list of institutions recognized by ONMRC will be available in the official website of Directorate of Medical Education and Training Odisha i.e. for reference of the candidates.
The State Selection Committee shall consist of:-
1. Addl. DMET, Odisha : Chairman
2. Jt. Director, DMET Odisha : Member
3. Deputy Director Nursing , Odisha : Convener
4. Secretary, ON&MEB, Bhubaneswar : Member
5. Registrar, ONMRC, Bhubaneswar : Member
The Nodal Selection Committee at District level shall consist of :-
1. CDMO /Director Capital Hospital : Chair Person
2. Principal Tutor : Convener
3. Senior Tutor (2 Nos.) : Member
4. District Public Health Nurse : Member
5. Matron / Asst. Matron/ Nursing Sister : Member (Nominated by CDM& PHO)
The Chairman will be the controlling & supervising authority and must see that the counseling and admission are done in strict conformity with the rules laid down and notify the tentative dates. He will release funds in time for smooth counseling and admission as per approved Govt. rates.
The Convener on behalf of the Committee will carry out the following works & take the approval of the Committee when required.
1. Collect the detail State Quota seats for the academic year from the institutions and prepare the seat matrix for counseling.
2. The Convener is authorized to file affidavits in legal matters on behalf of the Chairman, Counseling Committee, and Govt., floats advertisements, convey meetings, and conduct counseling / allotment/ admission strictly as per the guidelines. She/ He is the custodian of all documents including vouchers of expenditure of counseling process and will produce as and when required. All expenditures shall be strictly as per Govt approved guidelines.
3. The admission / tuition fees collected from the candidates shall be transferred to the institutions along with the documents after the admission is over for the academic session.
In case of any dispute or understanding of the guidelines the decision of the Selection Committee shall be final and binding.
The admission will be made once a year. The academic session commences from 1st November of each year or as may be notified by INC for different courses.
a. ANM:
i. Candidates must be completed 17 years of age as on dt. 31. 12. 2020.
ii. Passed 10+2 from CHSE Odisha or equivalent. OR
Candidates qualify in 10+2 Exams conducted by National Institute of Open School, (equivalent to CHSE Odisha) are also eligible.
iii. ASHA having 10+2 pass is eligible for applying the ANM course.
iv. Only female candidates are eligible to apply.
v. Must have passed minimum M.E. standard Odia ( applicable candidates taking admission in central counseling only)
vi. Must be a domicile / permanent resident / native of Odisha but currently residing outside Odisha. ( applicable candidates taking admission in central counseling only)
vii. Shall be medically fit for the course (Medical certificate format in annexure -V)
b. GNM
i. Candidate must be completed 17 years of age as on dt: 31. 12. 2020.
ii. The candidates must have passed 10+2 with 40% marks from CHSE Odisha or equivalent thereof, However science is preferable.
10 +2/ 12th with 40% marks from state open schools recognized by state Govt. and National Institute of Open School recognized by Central Govt.
10+2 vocational ANM course with 40% marks from the school recognized by Indian Nursing Council.
10 +2 Health Science vocational stream from a recognized CBSE Board/ State/ Center. Or
Registered ANM with 10+2 pass.
iii. 5% of total mark is relaxed for SC/ ST candidates.
iv. ASHA having 10+2 pass with 40% marks (5% relaxation for SC/ST candidates) is eligible for applying to the GNM course.
v. The candidate Must have passed minimum M.E. standard Odia ( applicable candidates taking admission in central counseling only)
vi. The candidate Must be a domicile / permanent resident / native of Odisha but currently residing outside Odisha. ( applicable to candidates taking admission in central counseling only)
vii. Both female / male candidates can apply (only 10% reservation for male candidates out of total seats).
viii. Shall be medically fit for the course (Medical certificate format in annexure -V).
c. Post Basic B Sc.
i. The candidate must be a domicile of Odisha /permanent resident of Odisha / native of Odisha ( applicable to candidates taking admission in central counseling only)
ii. The candidate must be a Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife of ONMRC or equivalent to any other state nursing council.
iii. The minimum educational requirements shall be the passing of General Nursing & Midwifery examination conducted by ON&MEB Odisha or equivalent thereof.
iv. A candidate if has registered his/her name in other State Nursing Council, will be allowed to participate in the state selection process and after admission the selected candidates have to get registered under ONMRC and submit their reciprocal registration certificate at the respective college within two months from the last date of admission.
v. In case the selected candidate fails to produce the reciprocal registration certificate within the stipulated period the necessary action will be taken by the State Nursing Selection Committee, Odisha.
vi. Candidate shall be medically fit for the course (Medical certificate format in annexure -V).
vii. The candidates must have obtained a “No objection Certificate” from the appointing Authority /Competent Authority to undergo the course (for in-service candidates working in Govt./ Public sector undertaking /private sector). NOC must be submitted at the time of applying for the course. Without NOC the Application will be rejected.(NOC format in annexure –VIII)
viii. The Candidates must have passed minimum M.E standard Odia. (Only for Govt. Institutions & 85% Govt. quota seats in Private Institutions.)
ix. Both Male & Female candidates are eligible to apply.
d. B Sc.
i. The candidates must be of minimum 17 years of age as on 31.12.2020.
ii. The candidates must have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination with Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology) from CHSE, Odisha or any other Board or Council or University equivalent thereof.
iii. The candidates must have passed 10+2 examination in Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology) conducted by National Institute of Open School with 45% marks are also eligible to apply.
iv. The candidates must have passed in the subject of PCB & English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 45% marks taken together in PCB at the qualifying examination i.e. (10+2). Candidate’s belonging to SC/ST, the marks obtained in PCB taken together in qualifying examination be 40% instead of 45 % as stated above. English is a compulsory subject in 10+2 for being eligible for admission to B.Sc. Nursing Course.
v. The candidates must have passed minimum M.E standard Odia. (Only for Govt. Institutions & 85% Govt. quota seats in Private Institutions).
vi. The candidates must be a domicile / permanent resident / native of Odisha but currently residing outside Odisha. (Only for Govt. Institutions & 85% Govt. quota seats in Private Institutions).
vii. Both female / male candidates) are eligible to apply. (only 10% reservation for male candidates out of total seats).
e. M. Sc.
i. The candidates must be a Domicile of Odisha /permanent resident of Odisha / native of Odisha (for All seats in Govt. College of Nursing, & 85% Govt. quota seats in Private institutions)
ii. The candidate must be a Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife of ONMRC or equivalent of any other state nursing council.
iii. The minimum educational requirements shall be B.Sc. Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing with minimum 55% aggregate marks from the institution recognized by the INC/ONMRC.
iv. In case a candidate has registered his/her name in other State Nursing Council, will be
allowed to participate in the state selection process and after admission the selected candidates have to get registered under ONMRC and submit their reciprocal registration certificate at the respective college within two months from the last date of admission.
v. In case the selected candidate fails to produce the reciprocal registration certificate within the stipulated period the necessary action will be taken by the State Selection Committee, Odisha.
vi. The candidate must have minimum one year of work experience after Basic B.Sc. Nursing or one year work experience prior or after post Basic nursing.
vii. One year of “Work experience” either in teaching or clinical field will be taken into consideration as under:
1. One year Work experience will be counted w.e.f. from the date of RN/RM registration from the concerned State Nursing Council to last date of receipt of application form.
2. In Clinical- Working as a staff Nurse from any Govt. Hospital, Govt. Undertaking Hospital/public sector undertaking Hospital & Referral Hospital (Govt. &Private) /E.S.I Hospital approved by the state Govt/Govt. of India for treatment of their employees.
3. In Teaching- Working as a Tutor /CI from INC/ONMRC recognized Nursing Institutions.
4. The experience certificate submitted by the applicants will be verified by the Convener for confirmation/genuineness from the concerned hospital (for clinical experience) or from the state nursing council (for teaching experience).
5. In exceptional cases, the Addl. Director of Medical Education & Training, , Odisha- Cum-chairman of the State Nursing Selection Committee, will be empowered to decide about the candidature.
viii. Candidate shall be medically fit for the course (Medical certificate format in annexure -V).
ix. Candidate must have passed minimum M.E standard Odia in case (Only for Govt. institutions and 85% Govt. quota seats in private institutions.)
x. Both Female and Male candidates are eligible to apply.
xi. Candidate must have obtained a “No objection Certificate” from the appointing Authority/Competent Authority to undergo the course (for in-service candidates working in Govt. / Public sector undertaking /private sector). NOC must be submitted at the time of applying for the course. Without NOC the Application will be rejected.( NOC format in annexure –VIII)
(Common to all Courses of Nursing):
Out of total seats 10% shall be reserved for male candidates (Except ANM/P.B.B.Sc/M.Sc course). For both male and female the following reservation shall be followed.
1) 22.5% for ST (Schedule Tribe )
2) 16.25% for SC (Schedule Caste )
3) 5% for Physically Disabled (in each category of UR, ST & SC)
4) 5 % for Children of Green Card Holder (in each category of UR, ST & SC)
5) 3% for Children /Widows of Ex-Service Man (in each category of UR, ST & SC)
In case seats reserved for both SC and ST candidates remain unfilled the vacant seats will be filled up by the general candidates from common merit list. No inter convertibility shall be allowed.
Note1: Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe persons who have migrated from their State of Origin to some other State for the purpose of seeking education, employment etc. Will be deemed to be scheduled Caste/Tribe of the State of their Origin and will get privilege from the State of origin and not from the State to which they have migrated. (Vide Govt. of India Letter No.BC/16014/1/82-SC& BCD/Dated:22nd February 1985).
Note2: Seats reserved for S.T. and S.C. candidates are to be filled up by the applicants belonging to the respective community as per the Odisha Caste Certificate (for S.C. and S.T.) Rules–1980 and as amended from time to time by Government of Odisha and are not interchangeable.
Note 3: The seats reserved for P.H Category (Persons with Disability -PwD) will be filled-up by the persons with bench mark disabilities in accordance with the provisions of the Rights of persons with Disabilities Act, 2016
Note 4: Candidates claiming under Green Card category must produce the Green Card in original of their parents, and must not have taken the privilege of reservation using the same card before. The facts & figures mentioned in the Green Card must tally with other relevant certificates submitted. In case of any discrepancy the claim under Green card reservation will not be considered. However he/she will be treated under unreserved category.
Note 5: To be eligible for reservation under Ex-servicemen category, the candidate must be:
(a) A Permanent Resident of Odisha
(b) Son/daughter/spouse/Widows of a person who was in defense service OR the candidate himself/herself has served in defense service.
(Ex-servicemen mean persons who worked in Army / Navy / Air Force and who come under the definition of Ex-servicemen in vogue at the time of their discharge / retirement).
Such candidates must produce certificate from Rajya Sainik Board, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, regarding their eligibility under Ex-servicemen category. Candidates who themselves or their parents are continuing in defense service at the time of application are not eligible for reservation under this category.
Eligible candidates can apply for the Nursing Courses online by applying in the appropriate application form available at website: “" on or before dt: 26.09.2020– 11.45 PM by depositing prescribed application fee as mentioned in the fees section, (details in Annexure-VII) excluding Bank charges as applicable after login using your Application ID & Password through SB Collect by Net Banking/ Card payments / Other payment modes ( SBI Branch or NEFT / RTGS or UPI). Please upload the bank deposit receipt otherwise the candidature of the applicant will be rejected.
Please note that the Bank charges are different for different payment modes & to be borne by the applicants themselves. The Application fee once deposited shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
To avoid any kind of inconvenience on last minute rush or unforeseen difficulties, candidates are advised to submit online form and payment without waiting for the last date.
The e-counseling and admission Process involves the following steps:
1. Step 1 – Online Registration.
2. Step 2 – Filling up of online application form.
3. Step 3 – Publication of list of applicants and Document verification at Nodal centre Online.
4. Step 4 – Publication of Provisional Merit List.
5. Step 5 – Online Choice Filling and Locking.
6. Step 6 – Publication of Allotment list and deposit of part course fee.
7. Step 7 – 2nd round allotment and deposit of part course fee
8. Step 8 – 3rd round allotment and deposit of part course fee
Step 1 – Online Registration
i. Assistance: The candidates finding difficulty to register online can get the assistance of the Govt. facilities like CDM& PHO (DPMU Office), Community Health Centre(CHC) & Common Service Center (CSC) at Gram Panchayat level .Service charges of Rs. 35 /- only is to be paid towards filling up of form at Common Service Centre.
ii. Procedure for online Registration
a. Open the website
b. Click on “Apply Online" and then click on the course. The online application form will be displayed. Please go through the Instruction in detail before filling the application.
c. Fill the fields as per your record. The compulsory field with star mark (*) must be filled up. After completion of form click on “Continue”.
d. Then the candidate will be directed to generate her/his own password. After completion of form click on “Confirm” or if you want modify your application then click on “Edit”.
e. Then Application Number will be generated. Read the instruction properly. Login using your Application No. & Password. Then Click on “make Payment (Application fee)” link for payment .It will redirect you to the SB Collect portal & Fill the required details. Pay the application fee through Net Banking /Card payments / other payment mode (SBI Branch or NEFT / RTGS or UPI) receipt generated after successful payment to be kept for future reference. In case of challan payment keep the original Bank acknowledgement copy of the challan slip for the same purpose.
f. Click on “Enter Application Fee Payment Details” fill the details as per the e-receipt /Challan slip and upload the e-receipt / Challan slip .
g. Click on “Print Application” to get the Print out copy of the Application form.
(a) In case payment is made through NEFT please ensure to deposit the application fee at any non-SBI Bank branch on or before the last date i.e. 26.09.2020, otherwise your candidature will be rejected.
(b) Except for SBI Branch/NEFT options e-Receipt will be generated immediately after any successful payment. E-Receipt can also be regenerated from “Payment History” option of State Bank Collect at a later date. E-Receipt even can also be generated after all challan payments.
(c) Generation of e-Receipt indicates application fee payment to be successful.
(d) Important Note:
Candidates are required to NOTE DOWN or REMEMBER their password to login in future. To maintain confidentiality of the password is the sole responsibility of the candidate and all care must be taken to protect its security. If due to any reason the password is forgotten or misplaced, she may reset the Password using “OTP” (One Time Password) which will be sent to the registered Mobile no. To reset the
password “Procedure for Password RESET by the candidate using OTP” is available on Annexure-I. Step – 2 Filling up of online Application form
i. The candidate has to fill up & upload following details in the form: Personal Details, Address Details, choice for Nodal Centre, Academic details, Challan details, Color Photo & Signature , Aadhaar Number,10th Mark sheet, 10th Certificate, 12th Mark sheet, 12th Certificate, Caste certificate, Physical fitness certificate, Resident certificate, No objection certificate{for P.B.B.Sc & M.Sc course} Experience Certificate{M.Sc course},GNM Mark sheet, GNM certificate, GNM registration certificate{P.B.B.Sc course}, (GNM &P.B.B.Sc)/B.Sc Mark sheet, (GNM &P.B.B.Sc)/B.Sc certificate, P.B.B.Sc/B.Sc registration certificate{M.Sc Course}.
ii. After filling the application form the candidate is requested to pay the requisite application fees amounting (details in Annexure-VII) which is nonrefundable .Login using your Application No. & Password to make payment through SB Collect, failing which the application form will liable to be rejected.
iii. After payment, click on “Enter application fee payment details” and fill the payment details like SB Collect No., Bank Reference No., Mobile No., Payment date, as mentioned in the e-receipt/ Bank acknowledgement copy of the challan slip.
iv. The candidate is required to verify her/his personal details before submission of the Application Form as per documentary evidence. If the candidate entered any incorrect data then she may edit / correct the data herself .The choice of Nodal Centre given by the candidate cannot be edited after the last date of online submission of application form.
v. The selection committee is not responsible for any omission & commission in the submitted data and the consequences thereafter.
vi. Help centers like (CSC, CHC, CDM& PHO) Office will hand over a printed copy of the submitted application form (duly signed both by the candidate & officer in-charge of the center) to the candidate & retain the second copy for the official record.
Step – 3 -Publication of list of applicants and Document verification(online)
i. Document verification is incomplete if the candidate has not uploaded all the requisite documents.
ii. The documents will be verified online at the Nodal Centers.
iii. The original documents along with original payment slip, Original College Leaving Certificate / Transfer Certificate, Original character /conduct certificate from the Head of the Institution last attended, Marriage declaration in the prescribed form applicable for married candidates will be verified by the concerned institutions at the time of reporting at the institution.
Documents required for verification at nodal centre online are as follows:
1. 10th (HSCE) pass certificate and mark sheet issued by BSE Odisha or equivalent thereof.
2. 10+2 pass certificate and mark sheet issued by CHSE Odisha or equivalentthereof.
3. GNM pass certificate and mark sheet issued by ONMEB or equivalent thereof & original GNM registration certificate issued by ONMRC or equivalent thereof for P.B.B.Sc course.
4. (G.N.M&P.B.B.Sc)/Basic B.Sc pass certificate and mark sheet issued by university & original P.B.B.Sc/Basic B.Sc registration certificate issued by ONMRC or equivalentthereof for M.Sc course.
5. No objection Certificate from the appointing Authority/Competent Authority to undergo P.B.B.Sc/ M.Sc Nursing course (for in-service candidates working in Govt. / Public sector undertaking
/private sector).
6. Work Experience certificate for M.Sc Nursing course.
7. Caste certificate (SC/ST candidate) issued by the competent authority.
8. Authentic certificate for proof of passing Odia (for candidates applying for Govt. Institutions & 85% of Govt. quota seats of Private Institutions.
9. Domicile/ Residential / Nativity Certificate from competent authority (The validity of the resident certificate shall be 5 years as on last date of submission of online application form from the date of issue of the said certificate).
10. Physically Handicapped certificate (in original) issued by the competent medical authority of the District (in case of Physically Handicapped candidates only).The percentage of disability, locomotor disability of lower limbs between 40% to 50% only will be taken into consideration. Candidates having any other disability will only be eligible after production of genuine medical board certificate (i.e. the Medical Board certifying that the applicant is eligible for perusing the Nursing Course).
11. E-receipt or Bank acknowledgement copy of the challan deposit slip towards application fees.
(details in Annexure-VII)
12. Certificate from Rajya Sainik Board for the candidates applying for widow/children of Ex- Serviceman category only (Annexure III).
13. Green Card (with all pages) issued by the Chief District Medical Officer, (In case of candidate claiming for the seat under green card quota). In case of discrepancy in Green Card with HSC Certificate regarding candidate’s name, date of birth & his/her parents name, the candidate will submit an affidavit duly sworn in before the executive magistrate.
14. The original Medical Fitness certificate issued by the Govt. Allopathic Medical Officer (Annexure – V).
In case the candidate fails to produce any original documents as per the prospectus at the institution in the time of reporting, her/his name will be deleted from the Admission list.
if any Candidate is found to have furnished false information or certificate or is found to have withheld or concealed any material information in his/her application ,he /she will be debarred from admission process.
If ineligibility of the candidate is detected at any stage during the publication of merit list / counseling
/ after admission, his / her candidature or admission will be cancelled without any notice.
Step – 4 Publication of provisional merit list
The Provisional Merit list will be prepared after the verification of documents at the Nodal centers.
Step – 5 Online choice filing and locking
i. After publication of provisional merit list, the candidate shall fill the choices for institution in her/his Applicant login ID. The candidates are also requested to go through the fee structure details & seat matrix details for the available seats while filling the choices.
ii. Candidate can also verify the institutions & details with intake capacity from the official website of Directorate of Medical Education and Training, Odisha (Nursing admission )
iii. The candidate shall give her/his choices in order of preference from the enlisted institutions as per her/his desire. Select as many choices of Institutions as possible on priority basis to have better option for allotment of a seat in the process. Always give best choice as first and follow in that sequence. Better preferred choice should be at upper level.
iv. The candidates are permitted to change / re-order (through move/swap options) their choices, delete earlier choices and add new choices as many times till they finally lock their choices by using OTP (One Time Password).
v. After completing the choice filling and locking, click on “print locked choice” button to take a print out of Filled in Choice Slip for reference. This printed copy is your personal document, no need to share it with others.
vi. Candidates are advised to give maximum numbers of choices in order of preference.
vii. The Final Choice locking must be completed before last date for submission of online choice locking & filling.
Step – 6 Publication of Allotment list and deposit of part course fee.
1. The allotment of seat will be based on best fitment of the rank and category / reservation of the candidate.
2. The allotment of seats will be available on the official website: and SMS alert regarding allotment of seat will be sent to the registered Mobile No. of the candidates.
3. The candidates are requested to download the allotment letter of 1st Round seat allotment by logging in to their “Applicant Login”. Pay the requisite Part course fees & upload that payment receipt.
4. The process is option-based up gradation system. This allotment position will remain as such he or she will be promoted to upper choice in next round of allotments, based on the option exercised by the candidate. (So, be careful while giving the choice and exercise option for up-gradation. Better preferred choice should be at upper level). Candidates once exercised option in any round (1st/2nd ) for no up gradation (freeze) or up gradation (float) ,cannot be changed further under any circumstances.
5. Candidates not allotted any seat in 1st round are not required to do anything. They have to wait for 2nd & 3rd Round allotment for any allotment.
6. Candidates are advised not to report at allotted Institution based upon this allotment at this stage.
7. The candidate who are allotted seats during 1st round seat allotment and wish to continue in the counseling process have to deposit the prescribed Part Course Fees (details in Annexure-VII) only excluding bank charges through SB Collect by logging in their Applicant login ID .
i. Login using your User ID & Password .Then click on Make Payments ( Part course fees) for payment (details in Annexure-VII) only excluding bank charges as applicable using any of the payment modes viz. Net Banking /Card payment/ Other payment modes (SBI Branch or NEFT / RTGS or UPI ) after downloading the Intimation Letter. The part course fee once deposited shall not be refunded under any circumstances. The original e-Receipt /Bank acknowledgement copy of the challan slip towards payment of Part course fees have to be uploaded.
ii. In case payment is made through NEFT please ensure to deposit the fee at any non-SBI Bank branch on or before the last date as advised, otherwise your candidature will be rejected.
iii. To avoid any kind of inconvenience on last minute rush or unforeseen difficulties, candidates are advised to make the online payment without waiting for the last date.
8. E-Receipt generated after successful payment to be kept for future reference and upload the same within due date. In case of challan payment (SBI Branch/NEFT) keep the original Bank acknowledgement copy of the challan slip for the purpose.
9. The Candidates will pay the Rest amount of the Total Course Fees during reporting / admission at the Concerned Institutions.
10. If a candidate who is allotted a seat but has not deposited part course fees within schedule time, then her/his case will not be entertained further. His/her allotment will be cancelled and the seat allotted to his/her will be considered as vacant seat for next round allotment.
Option for Float (up gradation) or Freeze ( no up gradation) of allotted seat
I. The candidates who satisfied with the allotment will approach directly to the institutions and those who want to upgrade and participation in the subsequent Rounds shall apply online.
i. Freeze : -- Option for confirmation of allotted seat & no further upgradation.
ii. Float : -- Option for up gradation & participation in the subsequent Rounds.
II. Therefore, a candidate who is satisfied with her/his 1st allotment and does not want up gradation should freeze her/his 1st allotment.
III. If the candidate is not satisfied with the allotted institution of the 1st Round & wants to participate in 2nd&3rd Round Allotment process for up gradation of seat allotment, then she/he will select the “Float option”.
IV. Candidates may Freeze the current allotment or opt for Float (to be in the up-gradation process). Note that the option of freeze is not allowed in subsequent rounds of allotments.
Example:- If a candidate will opt for freeze (no up gradation) in 1st round ,then she/he will not be considered for the 2nd & 3rd round. Likewise if a candidate opts for freeze in 2nd round then she/he will not be considered for 3rd round.
V. Information regarding her/his exercise (Freeze or Float) will be sent to her/his registered mobile no. The candidate cannot change the Freeze/Float option, once it is confirmed in the system.
VI. Once the candidate is satisfied with his/her allotment and after payment of part course fees, there is no need for payment in further rounds. Only follow your up-gradation, if you have exercised float option (to be in the up-gradation). Otherwise, wait till the reporting time to the allotted Institution/College (if opted for freeze).
VII. Candidates are advised not to report at this stage to allotted Institution based upon this allotment.
Step – 7 2nd round seat allotment and deposit of fees
1. 2nd Round Seat Allotment will be available in the official website “” as per the scheduled date and time and also will be intimated through SMS to the registered mobile number of the candidate.
2. All the candidates those who have opted for Float option after 1st Round Allotment are considered as In Process Candidates (Candidates who do not freeze their option in both Allotment-I and Allotment-II) are eligible for next Final seat allotment through up gradation process.
i. Such candidates may get seats at their higher choices / retain at the same allotted seat. They don’t need to pay again.
ii. If the candidate is satisfied with the allotted seat of the 2nd round and don’t want to be in up- gradation then she/he has to opt for FREEZE (no up-gradation) by reporting at the concerned Nodal Centre along with the 2nd round allotment letter, within scheduled date.
iii. If the candidate wants to be in up-gradation process then she/he has to only follow the up- gradation and no need to report at the Nodal Centre
3. All newly allotted candidates have to follow step-6 to remain in the process and will be eligible for final round of seat allotment. Newly allotted candidates who do not follow step-6 will not be considered for next round or final allotment. Their allotted seats will be treated as vacant seats for final round of allotment.
4. Candidates not allotted any seat in 2nd round are not required to do anything. They have to wait for 3rd Round Seat Allotment for any allotment.
5. Candidates are advised not to report at this stage to allotted Institution based upon this allotment.
Step – 8- 3rd round seat allotment
1. The final seat allotment can be seen in the official website as per the scheduled date and time and also will be intimated through SMS to the registered mobile number of the candidate.
2. This is the last and final Round. Now at this stage, all candidates in the up-gradation (Float) / no up- gradation (Freeze) process, those who have previously got allotment, will get final allotment along with some newly allotted candidates. All those allotted candidates have to download the final allotment letter by logging in to their Applicant login ID.
3. All the finally allotted candidates (except newly allotted candidates) are then required to report at their corresponding allotted institution with the final allotment letter, the part course fee deposit slip and all other requisite documents.
4. Newly Allotted candidates have to follow step-6 for deposition of part course fee.
5. After completion of the 3rd Round the candidates has to report at the concerned institution for admission within the scheduled dates along with the reporting letter and all other supportive documents.
Step – 9- Special round seat allotment and deposit of fees
Keeping in view the cut-off date of admission process, Spot counseling will be done for the Govt. institutions only subject to vacancy in those institutions
Important Informations For all the Institutions:
1. The Private Institutions will fill the vacant seats of 85% Govt. quota seats from the common merit list, following eligibility criteria of admission process. If vacancy arises then the rest vacant seats may be filled up at their own level by following the eligibility criteria as fixed by INC.
2. All the admission process is to be completed within the scheduled date.
3. All the Govt. Nursing Institutions have to update the reporting status of the candidates within the scheduled dates.
4. All the Institutions have to upload the student details in the Nursing admission portal ( within one month from the last date of admission. In case of any technical difficulties for updating / uploading the required information / documents by any nursing institution, they must immediately intimate the Selection Committee for technical assistance. If the institution with in 15 days fail to upload the data of students online shall submit the data physically to the Convener immediately. In no circumstances the data of students admitted in management quota shall be accepted beyond the cut off date i.e with in one month of last date of central counseling. If no data is received such institutions will be marked as no admission in the academic session.
5. No Nursing institutions shall admit new students, in place of the students who have discontinued from the course. Admission of the name of the uploaded candidate shall only be considered. In case of dispute the decision of the Selection Committee shall be final.
6. If any Candidate is found to have furnished false information or certificate or is found to have withheld or concealed any material information in his/her application ,he /she will be debarred from admission process.
7. If ineligibility of the candidate is detected at any stage during the publication of merit list / counseling / after admission, his / her candidature or admission will be cancelled.
a. ANM
1. Merit list shall be prepared on the basis of career marks.
2. For calculating career marks, 50% of the percentage of marks secured in HSC(10th or equivalent examination without extra optional) and 50% of the percentage of marks secured in CHSE (10+2 or equivalent examination without extra optional.) will be taken into consideration.
3. ASHA will be given 2% extra marks for each completed year of service, subject to maximum 20% additional marks which will be added to the marks secured by her/his for deciding the merit position. They will be allowed to pursue the course both in Government and Private Nursing Institutions according to their preference and rank in the merit list.
4. In case of more than one candidate having equal career marks, inter-se merit shall be taken into consideration as below in order of preference:
I. Secured more marks in English in 10+2.
II. Seniority in date of birth.
b. GNM
Merit list shall be prepared on the basis of career marks.
For calculating career marks, 50% of the percentage of marks secured in HSCE (10th or equivalent examination without extra optional) and 50% of the percentage of marks secured in CHSE (10+2 or equivalent examination without extra optional) will be taken into consideration.
Preferences will be given in the following order :-
- 1st 10+2 Science with Biology.
- 2nd 10+2 Science without Biology.
- 3rd 10+2 and other equivalent examination.
ASHA will be given 2% extra marks for each completed year of service, subject to maximum 20% additional marks which will be added to the marks secured by her for deciding the merit position. They will be allowed to pursue the course both in Government and Private Nursing Institutions according to their preference and rank in the merit list.
In case of more than one candidate having equal career marks, inter-se merit shall be taken into consideration as below in order of preference.
a. Qualifying stream.
b. English marks in 10+2 exam.
c. Seniority in date of birth.
1. Selection will be made entirely on the basis of Mark secured in previouscourses.
2. The candidate will be selected on the basis of HSC-20%, +2- 20%, GNM- 60%
3. In case of two or more candidates obtaining equal, their inter se merit will be determined in order of preference as under
(i) Candidates obtaining higher aggregate marks in the GNMExaminations.
(ii) In case there is still a tie, according to Date of Birth, the older candidate
shall get preference over the younger one.
d. BSC
1. Merit list shall be prepared on the basis of career marks.
2. For calculating career marks, 50% of the aggregate marks secured in HSCE (10th or equivalent examination without extra optional) and 50% of the aggregate marks secured in Physics, Chemistry, Biology in CHSE (10+2 or equivalent examination without extra optional) will be taken into consideration.
3. In case of more than one candidate having equal career marks, inter-se merit shall be taken into consideration as below in order of preference.
a. Total marks secured in Biology at the qualifying Examination
b. English marks in 10+2 exam.
c. Seniority in date of birth.
e. MSC
1. Selection will be made entirely on the basis of Mark secured in previouscourses.
2. The candidate will be selected on the basis of
For P.B.B.Sc- HSC- 20%, +2- 20% , GNM- 30%, P.B.B.Sc- 30%
For Basic B.Sc - HSC- 20%, +2- 20%, Basic B.Sc- 60%
3. In case of two or more candidates obtaining equal marks, their inter se merit will be determined in order of preference as under.
i. Candidates obtaining higher percentage of marks in the Basic B.Sc Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Examinations.
ii. In case there is still a tie, according to Date of birth , the older candidate shall get preference over the younger one.
Sl No.
Govt / Pvt
1st yr
2nd Yr
3rd Yr
4th Yr
Tuition fees
Admission Fee
Hostel Charges
Electricity Charges
Transportation Charges for field training / Clinical training.
Caution Money (Refundable)
(one time)
Identity Card
(one time)
Course fees / Admission Fees (including fees towards hospital for Clinical Training)
Tuition fees
Admission Fee
Hostel Charges (Not applicable for Male Students )
Electricity Charges (Not applicable for Male Students )
Transportation Charges for field training / Clinical training.
Identity Card
150/- (one time)
Caution Money (Refundable)
Course fees / Admission Fees(including fees towards hospital for Clinical Training)
Admission/Tuition fee
Caution Money(Refundable)
University Athletic fee
University cultural fee
Youth Red cross fee
University Registration fee
University Recognition fee
Student Aid fund (SAF)
Hostel fee(Electricity charges)(Not applicable for Male students)
Water charges
Admission /Tuition Fee
Admission / Tuition fee
Caution Money (Refundable)
University Athletic fee
University cultural fee
Youth Red cross fee
University Registration fee
University Recognition fee
Student Aid fund (SAF)
Hostel Fee(Electricity charges) (Not applicable for Male students)
Water charges
Course fees / Admission Fees(including fees towards hospital for Clinical Training)
Course Fee (College fee)
Journal Fee (College fee)
Identity Card Fee (College fee)
College Game Fee (College fee)
P.G. Students Cultural Society Fee (College fee)
Admission Fee (Govt Fee)
Library Fee (Govt Fee)
Univ. Athletic Fee
Berhampur University Registration/ Recognition/ SAF(Student Aid Fund) Fee
University Cultural Fee
Youth Red cross Fee
Caution Money (Refundable)
Admission /Tuition Fee
1. There is provision for hostel accommodation in the Training Centers at Govt. institution. Undertaking as per Annexure – IV will be submitted after admission in the Nursing Institution. Candidate may reside outside the hostel if permitted by the Chairman ONMEB, in exceptional circumstances (for Govt. institutions) keeping in view the genuineness of the case.
2. The candidates shall abide by the Rules and Regulations of the concerned Institutions and Hostel, during the period of study.
3. Candidates involved in unruly, in disciplined activities are liable for due punishment, by the concerned Principal Tutor under intimation to the Director of Nursing, Odisha,Bhubaneswar, Chairman ONMEB.
4. In-service pregnant women will be allowed to pursue the nursing course, on the condition that she may avail six months maternity leave during study period for welfare of the child but she can appear the examination after repeating for a period of six months and the course completion will be extended by six months
Selected candidates after admission have to wear specified uniform. Candidates have to make their own arrangements for uniform i.e. white Saree/ Salwar and Kurta with Apron for Hospital and blue saree / Salwar Kurta for community duty.
a. On admission in the training centre, stipend will be paid in each month as per existing Rules of Government of Odisha, subject to receipt of the allotment of the same from the concerned Budget controlling officers (only in case of Government institutions).
b. In case of discontinuance from study on any ground the stipend already received by the candidate would be recovered in full as per the provisions of the Bond and Agreement.
c. Vacation & Holidays will be regulated as per INC syllabus from time to time.
a. Students remaining absent beyond 15 days in addition to the prescribed leave will not be allowed to re-join, except on health ground and also in exceptional / unavoidable circumstances. Re-joining the course will be decided by the Chairman, ONMEB. The principal of the concerned institution will report about the students to the Chairman in time.
In all cases, the Chairman shall take appropriate decision.
b. Candidates who got admitted should abide by the Rules and Regulations of the College, Hostel & concerned University/examining body.
c. The student should not indulge herself/himself in criminal offences. If found involved in such activities, she will be removed from training and stipend received during training period will be recovered.
d. Ragging in all forms in the Nursing Institution is strictly prohibited; The Institution has to take immediate appropriate action in this matter as per direction of Hon’ble supreme court of India passed in slp (c)
no.24295/2004, slp no.14356/2005, wpc no.173/2006 and slp (c) no.24296 – 24299/2004.if any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the concerned candidate shall be given liberty to explain and if her / his explanation is not found satisfactory, the authority would expel her / him from the institution. Affidavit (1) by the candidate (2) by the parent shall be taken as per the circularNo.22-1 O(Web)-INC (Part) dated 14th May 2013.
e. No request for change of training institution after admission will be entertained
Procedure for Password RESET by students using OTP:
1. Click on Applicant Login.
2. Click on Forgot Password link.
3. Choose the Course name (ANM/GNM/Basic B.Sc/P.B.B.Sc./M.Sc).
4. Enter the Application Number.
5. Enter Applicant Name.
6. Enter D.O.B (DD/MM/YYYY).
7. Enter the Security Code.
8. Click on SUBMIT button.
9. After clicking on SUBMIT button, if all the details entered are found correct, OTP number will be sent to the registered mobile number and the OTP Entry screen will appear.
10. Enter the OTP and click on SUBMIT button.
11. If OTP not delivered to the registered mobile number, then click on Click Here to Resendlink.
12. If correct OTP entered by the candidate, then Password Reset screen will appear.
13. Enter the New Password and Confirm New Password.
14. Then Click on SUBMIT button.
15. If New Password and Confirm New Password entered are same, then the message“Password Reset Successful” will appear.
16. Click on OK button.
Annexure – II
List of Nodal Center
Nodal Centre
Tagging District
ANM TC, Balasore
Balasore, Bhadrak
ANM TC, Bolangir
ANM TC, Baripada
ANM TC, Bhawanipatna
Kalahandi, Nuapada
ANM TC, Berhampur
ANM TC, Daspalla
ANM TC, Deogarh
ANM TC, Dhenkanal
Dhenkanal, Angul
ANM TC, Jeypore
Nabarangapur, Rayagada
ANM TC, Kendrapara
Kendrapara, Jajpur
Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur
ANM TC, Keonjhar
ANM TC, Phulbani
ANM TC, Puri
ANM TC, Sambalpur
ANM TC, Sundergarh
Sundergarh, Jharsuguda
ANM TC, Boudh
ANM TC, Sonepur
ANM TC, Bhubaneswar
Annexure – III
Name of the Candidate
Full name of Employee/Person
Permanent address as per service records
Rank in Defense Service
Full name of the candidate
Relationship of the employee/person with the candidate
Last place of Posting including details of Unit
Awards received if any
Signature of the Secretary, Rajya Sainik Board
Designation with Seal of Office
Full signature of candidate’s Parent: Date -
1. Candidate should ensure that they have submitted all relevant documents at Rajya Sainik Board and their name is recommended for EX Quota seats.
2. Names recommended by Rajya Sainik Board will only be considered duringallotment.
Annexure – IV
(To be submitted by the selected candidates after admission in the respective Nursing Training Institution)
I Sri/ Smt. ( Name of the Local Guardian) , Address:
, undertake to act as the Local Guardian of Miss / Smt. Daughter / Wife of Sri
…………………………………………………………………. during her/his period of study in the Nursing Training Institute.
I also undertake to act on behalf of the parents / husband of the said student during the period of study in the Nursing Training Institute -------------------------------------------------- for which I have been empowered by the
parent / guardian / husband of the said student.
I further undertake to take custody of the above student as and when required by the institution authorities and to ensure that she/he maintains the academic discipline and good conduct during the period of study in the aforesaid institution.
Place: Signature in full of the Local Guardian
The above undertaking has been signed in my presence, I empower Sri/Smt.------------------------------------------------
to act as Local Guardian of my daughter/son/ wife Miss /Smt./Sri ---------------------------------------------------------------
during the period of her/his Studentship in the Nursing Training Institute ---------------------------------------------------- --.
Signature in full of the Parent / Guardian / Husband
Date : Signature in full of the Student
Name of the Candidate in full Age Sex Height Weight Heart Eye Teeth Liver Lungs Spleen Blood Group Blood Pressure
Please indicate if Pregnant Date of L.M.P.
Previous Medical History, if any
Personal Remarks of Identification
I certify that I have examined the above named candidate and cannot discover that she has any diseases, constitutional weakness or bodily infirmity and I consider that the candidate is physically and mentally fit to undergo ANM/GNM/Basic B.Sc./P.B.B.Sc./M.Sc. Course under Health & F.W. Department.
Signature & Seal of authorized Medical Officer
(Govt. of Odisha)
Designation – Date -
NOTE: - This certificate is to be detached for submission only by the selected candidates onthe date of counseling.
Not to be submitted along with Application Form
(1) I , Sri/ Smt/ Kumari declare as under:-
a) That I am unmarried /a widower/a widow
b) That I am married and have only one wife living
c) That I am married and my husband has no other living wife, to the best of knowledge.
d) That I am married to a person who has already one wife or more living. Application for grant of exemption is closed.
(2) The details of my spouse are :
a) Name: Sri/Smt.
b) Date of Birth of the Spouse is / /
c) Date of Marriage is : -/
I solemnly affirm that the above declaration is correct and I understand that the event of the declaration being found to be incorrect after my joining in ANM/GNM/Basic B.Sc./P.B.B.Sc./M.Sc. course for the academic session 2020- 21, I shall be liable to be rejected of my candidature.
Date: Signature (in full)
Name in CAPITAL Letters
Please delete clauses which are not applicable.
Applicable in case of clause ( i), (ii), (iii),and (iv) only.
Please fill Sl No. 2 only if you are married.
Recent color passport photograph of the spouse duly attested
2 Years
3 Years
4 Years
2 Years
2 Years
This is to certify that Miss/Smt/Sri----------------------------------------------, Daughter/Son of
, At , Po , Via , Dist is working as (Designation) in
-------------------------------------------- Hospital/Organisation,(full Address )as regular/ contractual of Govt./NHM/PSU/Private from Dt. to .
This Office has no objection if Miss/Smt./Sri ----------------------------- appears the entrance examination of Nursing and to pursue the course as full time student if selected during the academic session 2020-2021.
Sign of Employer
Signature of the candidate ----------------------------
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